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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_WWU_2_04
Title Tools of Engagement Phase 2
Status Completed
Energy Categories Other Cross-Cutting Technologies or Research(Energy system analysis) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Other (Energy technology information dissemination) 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Wales and West Utilities
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 September 2021
End Date 31 July 2022
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £59,740
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region Wales
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Wales and West Utilities (100.000%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , Wales and West Utilities (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA_WWU_2_04
Objectives The project will enhance a toolkit that was created as part of a RIIO-1 project (Tools of Engagement – NIA_WWU_064) that increases the awareness of LAs in relation to the key milestones and decisions to be made in transitioning to Net ZeroIt includes:Guidance, information and inspiration on net zero pathways, technologies and solutions, benefits of a whole systems approach and case studies (Powerpoint file)A simplified version of WWUs Energy Pathfinder tool (Excel based). The toolkit was developed following consultation with six local authorities and one community group. This shaped the specification and design of the tool. An initial version of the toolkit was completed in autumn 2020 but requires further user-acceptance testing and amendments before being launched. Measurement Quality StatementThe project is collecting limited quantitative data and so there is no requirement for testing and comparing data collected. Data will be traceable through well-referenced data sources within the published materials. Reliability of data and sources will be ensured through the QA processes outlined above.Data Quality StatementThe project will use limited amounts of data:Data to be used within the toolkit contents e.g.Quantitative data used to refine and/or add extra functionality to the Excel tool (if necessary).Limited amount of quantitative data for the Powerpoint tool, such as costs or uptake of technologies.Qualitative data and insights for the Powerpoint tool, based on Delta-EEs existing knowledge and insight or new desk-based research.Qualitative data from local authorities on their views of the toolkit, which will be used to inform development of the toolkit. In terms of quality of this data:Data collected for use within the toolkit will be researched by an expert within Delta-EE who is well-placed to find relevant, accurate and sourced data. It will be checked by the Project Manager to ensure it is of high quality. Limited data will be sourced from Delta-EEs inhouse research services and will be referenced as such.Data from Local Authorities (LAs)will be collected via interviews. Discussion guides will be drawn up for these interviews and checked by the Project Director to ensure they will capture the necessary information.All data collected for use within the toolkit will be published within the toolkit and therefore publicly available for future use. It will be fully referenced in order to ensure it is traceable. Data collected from LAs will be for internal project purposes only but will feed directly into the toolkit specification and development. The project is rated low in the common assessment framework detailed in the ENIP document after assessing the total project value, the progression through the TRL levels, the number of project delivery partners and the medium level of data assumptions.No additional peer review is required for this project. This project will engage with stakeholders who are likely to use the toolkit and ask them to test its functionality in a live trial and to provide feedback to Delta-EE, who will make changes based on the feedback. This ensures that the toolkit is fit for purpose when it is launched at the end of the project. The project will follow the below steps:Testing and finalising the toolkitThe approach taken to testing the toolkit will be:To evaluate how easy the toolkit is to navigate, use and understand without one-to-one support from Delta-EE or WWU, as this is how the tool will be used onroll-out. The project will seek to collate questions and clarifications users have on the tool, things they found difficult to understand or use and suggested improvements.To identify errors in the excel toolTo understand the usefulness and relevance of the content of the toolkit, and where further content may be useful for stakeholders net zero planning.To understand how likely stakeholders are to use the tool and if not, barriers preventing them from doing so. Deliverables A toolkit for use in future energy planning (Powerpoint based)The Energy Pathfinder Model (Excel based)A short report summarising additional feedback from stakeholders And any recommendations for further revisionsLaunch and dissemination Launch and disseminate the toolkit to the intended audience once it has been finalised. Social media launchWebinarContacting local authority associations / networks to support the above dissemination activities to ensure we reach the target audience To test, develop and finalise a toolkit to assist in the engagement between networks and LAs, in order to benefit community planning for the energy system of the future and the role we both play in helping to achieve Net Zero
Abstract A project to engage with a group of potential stakeholders to test the Energy Systems Toolkit, that was created in GD1, in real-life situations
Publications (none)
Final Report (none)
Added to Database 19/10/22